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The Coffee Collective #01: A Colombian Coffee Month

Welcome to the first of many newsletters to come. My aim is to start this newsletter as a practice to get back into the rhythm of writing. After delving into photography for a couple of months, I realized I haven’t written as much as I used to.

Let’s start with the most important topic on the agenda and that’s the second event I’m collaborating on. After Slurp & Socialize, I was invited to collaborate with Victoria Arduino, Juan Valdez, Colombian Exotic Coffee and Cartel Coffee Roasters.

The event will be called Harvesting Sustainability: A Colombian Coffee Experience — a first for the Middle East. It is not everyday you get a chance to attend an event that highlights the crucial role Colombian farmers, roasters, and cafes play in advancing sustainability within the coffee industry. An event where different stakeholders within the coffee value chain that come together and spark a real change. Register here.

The best representation of specialty coffee

Coming back to Harvesting Sustainability, I had a chance to collaborate with other stakeholders who are participating in this event. Apart from covering the event, I was involved in creating individual reels for them.

There is a lot of debate about who or what is the best representation of specialty coffee. Your answer will vary depending on where you are at the coffee value chain.

I found my answer at Cafe Rider’s Trade Routes event two years back. Even though I thought I knew it all, this panel discussion shed light on the intricacies behind the coffee industry in depth.

One of the panelists was Estefania Hernández J, every word she spoke represented specialty coffee on a level I didn’t realize existed. That evening I walked out realizing that I didn’t know anything after all. My plan to write about the event never saw the light of day.

From that moment onwards, I felt a sense of reveration towards her. The finesse at which she spoke at the event made it easy for the audience to understand. She spoke for every stakeholder in the value chain not taking away their importance.

I was told she is a scientist, I have never asked her whether that’s true or not but I know she wears many hats. Being a WCC certified judge itself has its fair share of learning and training. She is also a Q Grader, a degree for coffee excellence by zhaw, roaster in the making and many more.

This is why I love collaboration, especially on an individualistic level. It allows you to learn more about them and the principles they stand on. Estefania’s is excellence.

World MS Day

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Today is World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day. A day that is dedicated to those that have been diagnosed with this chronic condition. Imagine your central nervous system disrupting the flow of information between the brain and spinal cord. The cause and cure are unknown at the moment but early detection and treatment are beneficial, and research is ongoing.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) of the UAE is dedicated to improving the lives of people with MS through education, raising awareness, and gathering support for people living with this condition. The team has partnered up with more than 60 cafes across the Emirates to educate the public about MS.

Join me and support the mission of NMSS — to better the lives of people living with MS. Visit any of these cafes starting, order a coffee, and spread the word. The campaign is running from today until the 2nd of June.

What I’m Brewing

The Coffeevine May coffees are here and it was a no brainer to start with Nylon Coffee, one of Singapore’s finest roasters.

I can’t stay away from Washed Ethiopian coffees, especially if it is from Sidamo. This one in particular is processed at the Nensebo Riripa Station and a fine example of what a great coffee is. The floral and citrusy character shines in the start and finishing off with lingering black tea notes.

I don’t say this often but my experience with coffees from Kenya have been consistently good this year. Not that I ever had a bad one and yes, all of them were featured from The Coffeevine.

This washed Kenyan from Rung’eto Kii is outstanding, to say the least, roasted by Mamam Coffee with super crisp notes of berries, blackcurrant and rhubarb. The packaging stands out with a quirky never seen before feature: a clothing label with printed details of the coffee.

If you want to explore more coffees like this from similar international roasters delivering to Dubai, the June order form has just opened up. This is going to be big because it is also The Coffeevine’s 10th year anniversary.

Place your orders here.

Join the UAE Coffee Collective IG Group here.

A Colombian Coffee Month

May was eventful. There were multiple latte art competitions and cupping events. The cupping events featured Colombian coffee, which was unusual to say the least. Two were hosted by Harvestbelt Coffee and the other two are taking place this week.

Upcoming Events:

Grandmother Coffee x Hadsel Coffee Cupping

Date: Friday, 31st of May

Time: 3pm to 6pm

Venue: Grandmother Coffee Roastery


Harvesting Sustainability: A Colombian Coffee Experience

Date: Friday, 31st of May

Time: 4.30pm onwards

Venue: Victoria Arduino Experience Lab


I’ll be there at the Colombian Coffee events, and if you are planning to come, don’t forget to say hi.

Have a good one :)

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