Specialty Coffee Drip Bags for Travel Convenience

Specialty Coffee Drip Bags

Specialty coffee drip bags have been around for a while, they were introduced in Japan in the 1990’s and has become one of the best way to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee on-the-go. That means you won’t have to carry a kettle and a grinder with you, and only need access to a mug and hot water.

You will find drip bags from leading local roasters here in the UAE in the same origins you have enjoyed on the V60, wishing secretly that there must be a better and easier way to brew coffee without investing in expensive coffee brewing equipment. For some, time can play a major factor as well.

Imagine enjoying those geishas and 90+ scoring coffee on a drip bag. I experienced it for myself for the first time with THREE Coffee last year. I have highlighted them many times on my Instagram and they have super-funky processed coffee in their portfolio. Processes like frozen cherry, carbonic natural etc., don’t let that confuse you. Rest assured, the coffee tastes really good!

A standard drip bag will have 12-15 grams of ground coffee, which can brew up to 220-240g of a tasty beverage, good for one person. Freshly ground and sealed to preserve the aroma and freshness. To brew it is really easy, all you have to do is tear open the drip bag. Take a moment to take in the welcoming aroma of ripe tropical fruits.

Place the little handles on the edge of a mug, and add hot water until the very top. Wait for the water to drip completely and repeat this two to three times according to the instructions which may or may not differ slightly depending on the roaster. What then? Dispose the bag and enjoy your “bean juice”. Don’t give me credit for that, Zarak is the one to thank.

Some other notable dripbags that you need to try:


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