Brewing for the Baristas with Space Cup

What’s brewing with Space Cup

Space Cup is calling out to the coffee aficionados by organizing two exciting challenges. It started off with the SMYLA aka Show Me Your Latte Art Challenge. From Swans to hearts, this was fun to watch and so far no hands were burnt in the process.

The second one was more of my forte and it’s called What’s Brewing? Your choice of brewer and a selection of beans to go with. Up for the challenge, fellow home baristas?

It wont be that simple because you are brewing for the Space Cup coffee experts. I was invited to brew for them, and it was a little nerve wrecking to be honest when your technique is being observed and the coffee tasted thereafter.

It’s even more fun when your friends do it with you, introducing to you Abdullah and Zarak.

What’s Brewing, Aboodi?

I have known Laidback Abood for quite some time. Met him first during one of the GTI ricer meets a few years ago. It feels like I have known this guy for ages, we have bonded over many things - vaping, MAGIC, shooting videos to name a few and now it’s coffee. This is the back story to our little bromance.

Aboodi is an aspiring YouTuber and also streams games online called Laidback Gaming. He has started the Art of Coffee recently to showcase the culture of specialty coffee here in the UAE.

He used the V60 as his brewer of choice and Colombian Zacatin Tabi beans from Three Coffee. I haven’t tasted this coffee before and the fresh grind had promising aromas of chocolate flowers if that makes sense.

Aboodi’s recipe:

Coffee: 15g
Water: 240g
Temperature: 92 Degrees C
Grind: Medium Fine
Ratio: 1:16
Total Brew Time: 2:30

  • There are three pours in total, target brew time is 2:30 and extraction 240g.

  • The first pour: 40g bloom for 30 seconds.

  • The second pour: 100g from 30 - 50 seconds.

  • The third pour: 100g from 1:20 - 1:40.

Aboodi was very systematic with his brewing, carefully timing each pour. The coffee was very fruity, very juicy, with notes of plum and dark chocolate. Enjoyable and funky, and that’s how Three Coffee likes to do things.

What’s Brewing, Zarak?

I met Zarak through Instagram a few months ago, and I’ve taken his recommendations seriously when it comes to coffee beans. He is also pretty knowledgeable on espresso, and I’m going to bothering him more often when I decide to jump on that bandwagon.

Zarak is also a Youtuber but not just any Youtuber, he was handpicked by the one and only - James Hoffman to be one of his secondary creators from his YouTube Takeover Competition which took place earlier this year. The video below takes a look at Karachi’s growing coffee culture (in Pakistan).

To align with the coffee culture in Pakistan, he is also working on starting a marketplace called Bean س to promote and support the roasters and specialty coffee. This platform will showcase roasters, their coffee, and will also focus on equipment and educating the masses. He is also the brand ambassador for Sippy Beans here in UAE.

With those impressive credentials, the spotlight was on Zarak. He also chose to go with the V60 brewer and the choice of beans - Ethiopia Halo Beriti.

Zarak’s recipe:

Coffee: 15g
Water: 250g
Temperature: 92 Degrees C
Grind: Medium Fine
Ratio: 1:16.5
Total Brew Time: 2 minutes

  • Bloom with 3 times the weight of the coffee i.e. 45g.

  • Swirl once during the bloom and wait for 35 seconds.

  • Pour 150g and wait till 1:15.

  • Pour the remaining 55g to reach the target weight of 250g and total time of 2 minutes.

What’s Brewing, Syed?

Now, it’s my turn. My choice of brewer - the Chemex. Since everyone was brewing on the V60, why not choose something different? I was given the same beans as Zarak, Ethiopia from Archers. This is the Halo Beriti which is a Natural process, and has also undergone a 65 hour anaerobic fermentation. Yum.

Roast Level: Light-Medium
Origin: Ethiopia
Tasting Notes: Floral, White Peach, Sweet Pineapple, Mango
Process: Natural, 65 hours anaerobic fermentation
Varietal: Heirloom
Altitude: 2040 masl
Taste notes: Floral, white peach, sweet pineapple, mango
Cup Score: 88-89

My recipe:

Coffee: 30g
Water: 400g
Temperature: 92 Degrees C
Grind: Medium to Medium Fine, 22 clicks on the Commandante
Ratio: 1:15
Total Brew Time: 3 to 3:15

  • Pour 100g of water, bloom for 30 seconds. I would go for roughly 3:1 water to coffee ratio for the bloom.

  • The next 3 pours will be 100g water each. You will aim for a total of 400g in approximately 3 minutes.

  • After the final pour, I’ll gently swirl the slurry 3 times to achieve even extraction levels and a nice level bed.

I will aim to pour gently and consistently in concentric circles, starting and ending my pour in the middle.

My thoughts on the coffee: Almost non-existent acidity, perhaps its something to do with it bursting pineapple sweetness with a nice body which was unusual for a Chemex. The white floral aromatics during the bloom was exhilarating like a child watching fireworks for the first time.

Thank you Space Cup for organizing this and making it fun, +100 for engaging with your customers on a personal level.


Cold Bloom Pour Over on a V60


What I’m Brewing: Guatemala, Las Moritas Pacamara by City of Saints Coffee Roasters