Sharing my coffee experiences on The Blog

From Darjeeling to Dubai: Sonam Sherpa's Coffee Story
Sonam is a man of many talents. While coffee brewing might come to mind first, his true strength lies in his unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of perfection. It was a genuine pleasure to feature him on The Coffee Story, an interview series that highlights people in our vibrant coffee community, sharing their stories to inspire others.

Building a directory of the most aesthetic cafes in the world
Andrew Chung is an architect, photographer, website designer, coffee drinker and founder of Best Cafe Designs. His site charts the growth of global cafe culture and collaborates with over 40 architects, photographers and writers. In this interview, we find out about how the idea of Best Cafe Designs was conceived, the cafes he features, design trends, website design, and his top cafe picks.

Rising Through the Ranks with Mohammad Reza
Reza started his journey washing dishes more than a decade ago. Fast forward to today, he is heading multiple verticals for one of the biggest coffee roasteries in Oman. You don’t have to look far to be inspired. Read how through his hard work and determination he rose through the ranks of an industry he is extremely passionate about.

How a coffee artisan is making specialty coffee more approachable in India
Alvin discovered specialty coffee only recently. His passion for brewing coffee at home and making it accessible to everyone led him to start his own coffee brand. This is Alvin’s coffee story.

How a Barista’s Passion for Coffee Turned into a Career
In my next coffee story, I want to introduce you to Nicholas Senyondo, head barista at Two Neighbors and PEKO. I have had the pleasure of seeing him in action when I was invited to experience the finest coffee tasting experience. Keep reading to find out how his passion for coffee turned into a career.

The Coffee Story: Alexander Skrinjaric
My next guest is the owner and founder of a coffee shop and roastery based in Sofia, Bulgaria. I find Alexander’s story fascinating because he was quick to identify a gap and capitalize on it by putting in the work. He wears many hats, from running the business to roasting and training.

The Coffee Story: Dragoslav Džudović
Drago wears many hats for multiple businesses; he is the Co-Founder of WACup and Koub, Business Development Director for RoR Roastery, and in charge of R&D for CoffeeDesk UAE.

The Coffee Story: Süeda Emir
Süeda Emir is the youngest guest I have had on The Coffee Story so far, but that doesn’t in any way take away from her credibility. Süeda is currently pursuing Gastronomy and Culinary Arts. She was also a barista for almost three years and has successfully completed three SCA courses.

The Coffee Story: Fredrick Warrens
Freddie got into coffee in the most unexpected way possible, from a barista, to being stationed at a washing station, proceeding to setting up an NGO at Burundi, and his story doesn’t even end there. He’s quite possibly done it all, with goals of achieving more.

The Coffee Story: Kim Co Daluz
Kim’s love for coffee originated in 2014 as she started her journey as a barista in the commercial coffee industry. She was an outlier and knew her love for coffee would take her on a journey from the Philippines to Dubai. She took every opportunity available at hand to learn and grow in spite the challenges.

The Coffee Story: Dan de coffee man
Dan started his coffee journey in Rwanda more than a decade ago. He worked in a roastery but he also spent a lot of time with farmers focusing on quality control and training.

The Coffee Story: Kabiito Baker Ali
Kabiito had humble beginnings. He was not fulfilled at work but with coffee he found his calling. He accepted the new role as a challenge and pushed day and night to perfecting the art of making coffee.

The Coffee Story: Mahad Bujingo
Mahad has been working as a barista for seven years in the UAE after hustling at odd jobs in Kuwait. His dedication to become a professional in this industry opened many doors for him, and now he is one of the partners in Naseej Cafe.

The Coffee Story: Peter Allane Ong
Allan has been working in the hospitality industry for more than decade. He was introduced to the concept of specialty coffee after becoming a head barista. He is now managing some of the cafes in Berlin, Germany for The Barn.

The Coffee Story: Herman Jubya
I first met Herman briefly at the old branch of Coffee Architecture, at that time he brewed an Ethiopian Cup of Excellence on a Cortado roasted by Archers, needless to say it was excellent. They were on the process of moving to a new location at Saadiyat Island overlooking the beach.